Adaptive EDU
Universities, Schools & Distance Learning
Adaptive provides a comprehensive portfolio of innovative
solutions that remove traditional barriers between
administration and learning for Universities, Higher Education
Schools and Distance Learning, to transform institutional and learner success.
Our suite of enterprise products power data-driven decisions
and operational efficiencies, with real-time encrypted data. They
are simple to use, even without training. Multiple filters ensure
quick and easy access.
Admission and Enrolment Management
Teaching and Learning
Student Information System
Enterprise Resource Planning
Student, Alumni and Employer Engagement
Student Success and Retention
Content Management System (CMS) & Website
Enhanced Security
Admission and Enrolment Management
Gain insights into applicants with in-depth profiles, quantitative and qualitative data
Improved recruiter relationships
Smooth applicant experience with real-time progress updates
Multiple Registrars, Administrators and Academic staff may partake in the decision-making process
Teaching & Learning
Comprehensive LMS with file sharing between Teaching, Students and Parents/Guardians
Teaching staff upload Lesson Notes (PDF/Powerpoint), Audio or Video Files and assignments
Latency: Even in developing countries download a 60MB file in 1 minute direct from UK Servers
Students download classes, view due dates and upload assignments
Grading is automated: Marks per assignment are averaged over each class with real-time reporting
Student Information System
Parents and guardians have access to their child’s score cards and assignments
Students and Teachers access their own schedules and attendance record. Students can upload
sick notes. Dept. Heads view data across the entire dept. while Chancellors/VCs/ Heads of
Schools have a global view across all depts. and campuses
Course evaluations: Use student feedback to strengthen your offering
Student Well-Being: Student health and allergy information is stored and made accessible to all relevant staff
Multiple Dashboards with charts and summary data: Students and Administration
Student, Alumni and Employer Engagement
Employers can post internships, permanent and contract jobs
Employers have the option to create Graded Multi-Choice tests to assist in their assessments
Monitor numbers of successful placements to drive future enrolments
The Alumni portal includes an internal social media, to encourage idea sharing and networking. Users list their bio and interests. Threads can display the person’s name or may be posted anonymously to encourage problem sharing. Sharing knowledge and experiences provides Management with
real-time insights and may highlight hidden issues
Alumni may also post jobs and make donations
CMS, Intranet & Website
Our Content Management System (CMS) provides simple forms to create multi-level Web Pages (e.g. Level, Course, Syllabus), as well as Newsletters and Articles
Select the web page – enter data and content appears instantly on the correct page of your website
This allows non-tech users to create and edit web pages as often as required, without relying on3rd parties
We also offer secure Websites. Our CMS and Websites are built from scratch. We use no
3rd-Party Plug-Ins, to limit the risk of vulnerabilities
CRM & Surveys
Access all student contact details of current and potential enrollments.
It allows new students to sign up or your team can add data.
You can also request API access to connect to multiple external data sources.
Entering and updating data is simple and intuitive.
View data quickly by filtering on multiple categories.
The CRM handles the 7 stages of the sales lifecycle.
Full note histories are easily accessible.
Business Intelligence (BI)
Our BI dashboard provides summary data and analytics. These
can be customised to match your existing targets.
For existing students, monitor satisfaction with 3 kinds of Surveys: Likert, Open-Ended and Multi-Choice.
Accounting, Invoicing & Online Payments
Accounting & Forecasting
Adaptive handles your daily accounting including General Ledgers, with customised Chart of Accounts, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Trial Balance and Ageing Reports. Forecast business flows with multi-year operating budgets and real-time reporting.
Invoicing, On-Line Payments and Historical Payment Reports
Invoicing is automated. Use our APIs or ask us to connect to your existing payment providers, to enable automated on-line payments. Both Payer and Recipient access real-time Historical Payment Reports from their Dashboards.
Monitor Payments & Arrears
Gain real-time access to student, payroll and supplier payments and arrears data. Filter by student, payroll or supplier. At a glance view whether payments were made in full and on time, and view arrears balances.
Alerts flag up issues and new alerts are highlighted in the dashboard. The types of alerts covered can be customised.
Building Maintenance
Book Orders
Book maintenance requests online with in-house teams or pre-approved external suppliers. Optionally send requests to an internal manager first for authorisation.
Maintenance Teams
The Maintenance Manager views all incoming orders and schedules all jobs. When team members are assigned jobs, system time monitors the length of time per job, to facilitate billing. Time and Billing reports are provided. This also helps monitor idle time.
Feedback and Invoicing
Once jobs are complete a staff member is asked to rate the Maintenance Team's handling of the case and invoices are automatically generated, based on system pricing. In the case of 3rd Party Suppliers this acts as a fraud risk mitigation technique - preventing suppliers changing pre-agreed pricing for labour and parts.
CMMS & Asset Management
Monitor Equipment
We cannot manage what we do not monitor. List out all equipment and parts with serial numbers - your full inventory. State location and show which users checked out which equipment. At a glance filter on make, model or equipment and understand where assets are located.
This module also handles Fixed Asset Depreciation as well as scheduling for preventative maintenance.